徐工(gōng)的全球同仁們: Dear Colleagues of XCMG Worldwide, 卯兔辭歲,辰龍迎新。新春佳節來臨之際,我(wǒ)謹代表徐工(gōng)集團、徐工(gōng)機械黨委、董事會和經營班子,給大(dà)家拜年了!向關心支持徐工(gōng)發展的各級領導、各界朋友緻以新春的祝福,向全體(tǐ)員(yuán)工(gōng)和家屬緻以最誠摯的問候! As we bid farewell to the Year of the Rabbit and usher in the Year of the Dragon, I extend my heartfelt greetings to each and every one of you on behalf of XCMG Group and XCMG Machinery. Allow me to convey my warmest wishes to leaders at all levels and friends from various spheres who have consistently shown care and support for XCMG's progress. 牢記囑托擔使命。這一(yī)年,徐工(gōng)的高光時刻不斷湧現。讓我(wǒ)最難以忘懷的是,習近平總書(shū)記充分(fēn)肯定我(wǒ)們的工(gōng)程機械達到了世界領先水平,親切的關懷、殷切的叮囑,讓徐工(gōng)人倍受鼓舞、倍感榮耀、倍增幹勁! With gratitude in our hearts, we forge ahead, leading the industry. This year, we've embraced our greatest responsibilities, ascended the ladder of construction engineering with courage, creativity, and the spirit of determination. 感恩奮進走前列。這一(yī)年,我(wǒ)們扛起“頭馬”擔當,勇挑大(dà)梁,領航攀登,以“闖”的勇氣、“創”的活力、“拼”的勁頭,成功駛入變革轉型的快速軌道,用實幹诠釋高質量發展的硬道理,爲世界級産業集群建設蓄力賦能。 Consequently, we've triumphed in the swift journey of reform and transformation, affirming the essential truth that high-quality development is realized through diligent effort. 龍頭徐工(gōng),大(dà)任擔當,大(dà)道行遠,大(dà)器終成。 辭舊(jiù)迎新之際,我(wǒ)用三個關鍵詞,與大(dà)家一(yī)道啓封新歲! 感恩,奮楫笃行,初心不改!百年未有之大(dà)變局,新一(yī)輪科技革命和産業變革,行業周期性調整,爲我(wǒ)們帶來了産業“五化”轉型升級的發展機遇。一(yī)代人有一(yī)代人的使命,生(shēng)逢這個偉大(dà)的變革時代,我(wǒ)們要乘勢而上、逆勢而進、順勢而爲,集中(zhōng)精力辦好自己的事,當好表率、做強示範、走在前列,以中(zhōng)國式現代化徐工(gōng)新實踐助力強國建設、民族複興偉業。 With our unwavering commitment to construction engineering, we persist in advancing in this new era of technological revolution and industrial transformation. Amidst the cyclical adjustments of the industry, we encounter opportunities for "five transformations" (Green, Intelligent, High-end, Service-oriented, and Internationalization). We must seize these opportunities, persevere despite challenges, and adapt to the circumstances. Let's set the pace, solidify our position as a model, and lead the charge towards progress. 攀登,實字托底,聚力向上!2024是徐工(gōng)變革轉型的攻堅之年,唯有躬身入局、上下(xià)同欲,才能向深走、向實落、見實效。全體(tǐ)徐工(gōng)人同心合力、攜手并肩,把“好”的态勢鞏固下(xià)去(qù)、“實”的工(gōng)作抓出成效,大(dà)家思想認識力出一(yī)孔,工(gōng)作成效利出一(yī)孔,擁抱新變革、鍛造新能力、奮進新征程,全力以赴建設世界一(yī)流企業、攀登全球産業珠峰,共繪工(gōng)程科技造福人類、創造美好未來的嶄新篇章! In 2024, XCMG embarks on a journey of change and transformation. United hand in hand, all XCMG workers strive to solidify the positive momentum and diligently pursue tangible results. We aim to enhance everyone's ideological understanding and maximize the effectiveness of our efforts. We are committed to building a world-class enterprise, scaling the peak of the industry excellence, and crafting a brand-new chapter in construction engineering for a shared brighter future! 共享,匠心築夢,人人出彩!海外(wài)出征拎包就走,大(dà)漠雪山全心服務,抗震救災星夜馳援,項目攻堅挑燈夜戰……跨越千山萬水,相遇在徐工(gōng),拼搏奉獻、創新奮鬥的員(yuán)工(gōng)是我(wǒ)牽挂最深的人。節前,我(wǒ)們發布公告,推動上市公司“質量回報雙提升”行動,就是要以高質量的發展業績回報社會、回報廣大(dà)投資(zī)者,與員(yuán)工(gōng)共享發展成果。徐工(gōng)人出彩,徐工(gōng)才精彩。 Sharing dreams with craftsmanship, everyone shines! Whether it's embarking on overseas expeditions anytime, providing wholehearted service in deserts and snow-covered mountains, or participating in urgent earthquake relief and late-night rescue efforts. It's the dedication and innovation of our hardworking staff that I hold dear. Team XCMG are exceptional, making XCMG truly remarkable. 此時此刻,阖家團圓、除舊(jiù)布新。但還有不少同志(zhì)仍堅守在海内外(wài)一(yī)線,用青春和熱血爲全球建設和文明發展貢獻智慧和力量,正是你們的平凡鑄就了大(dà)國重器的不凡,你們辛苦了,向你們緻敬! At this moment of family reunion, amidst farewells to the old and welcomes to the new year, our comrades remain steadfast on the frontlines both at home and abroad. With your youth and vigor, you contribute wisdom and strength to global construction and civilization development, turning the ordinary into the extraordinary. Your hard work is truly commendable, and here my deep respect to all of you! 最後,衷心祝願廣大(dà)同仁新春快樂、福暖四季、順遂安康,龍年大(dà)吉,龍行龘龘、前程朤朤、生(shēng)活䲜䲜! 2024年2月9日 除夕 Yang Dongsheng , Chairman of XCMG 2024.02.09
- 上一(yī)篇:沒有了
- 下(xià)一(yī)篇:《人民日報》頭版頭條聚焦徐工(gōng)!